January 21st, I came back to my home. A month.. It was a long time for me, but I felt it short when I was in GLPS. Every weeks were good except the first week. I believe that everyone who was in GLPS agree with this fact. Although, I felt that the first week is like 14days, I'm definitely sure that the 4 weeks were pretty good experience for me.
I learned many things like hard skills, and soft skills. HArd skill means how to study. On the other hand, soft skill means social ability. In hard skill side, we studied History of Science, Debate, and Writing. History of Science was kind of researching. We made a good question, got information,observed, and did presentations. There were 3 rigions like Eastern, Middle Eastern, and Western. We used a lot of books, and Wikipedia for a source. At first, It was a little hard to me, because the source's level was too high. Fortunately, I overcame it as time went by. The second subject was debate. Especially, we did Mock Trial, because I was in Level 1. There were 2 big parts in Mock Trial, which were Defence and Crown. Defence should protect the criminal person, and Crown should protect the government. Also, there were small 6 parts in each team. Witness 1,2 ,lawer 1,2,3,4. They had to cooperate to win in a law court. We did 3 cases that still, child abuse, cannibalism. It was the most interesting class that I felt. The last subject was Writing. In this class, we used a computer for blogging. When our teacher gave us assignments, and we did it on our blog. Chain Writing, Meta Fiction, Viral Video, and a lot, we could enjoy our blog. Also we did PE like Taekwondo, Fencing, and Skiing.
In my conclusion, although it was my first camp, I think it'll be the best camp in my life. There are many strong points that I didn't. If I tell about all of them, my fingers will be broken. Anyway, I made good friends, and had a terrific experience. If I can, I want to go GLPS one more.